Sunday, January 21, 2007

So many dreams and whims,
so many impeteous dreams
yet all i do is fall
far far by the wayside
sometimes the blood flows
sometimes the tears fall
yet so often the cock crows
and You are three times denied

will i just go on and on on this carousel?
running back and forth like a pandoleum?
how many times before i cant get up?

so weak and frail,
yet i dare pride myself
will i be left weeping bitterly
or has the well run dry already
has winter come?
or is this heart of stone turned from clay colder still?

i dont know when any of this will ned
but i do know this

His grace is sufficient for me
Not simply because it has to be
but because it is...

For He made Him who knew no sin,
sin on our behalf
that we may know the righteousness of God in Him...

will i remain?

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