so heres the promised blogpost
anyways the scoop
leslie poh is probably attached
my proof- no normal guy talks on the phone to another guy for an hour on a saturday night
and yeah, he's been saying its time or something along those lines?
so there
and no matter how vehemently he tries to defend himself,
its probably some vain attempt to cover his tracks and misdirect us
no matter what kind of figures and proofs he tries to throw my way,
theres no mathematical way he can prove his innocence
so i can choose to be unconvinced
and there we have the dilemma of truth for a postmordernist
read in hosea how mercy and truth were not found in israel
and from that we can infer that mercy and truth are important
(some annotations state that mercy in this case refers to devotion to God)
and it is true
that truth is important
but we live in an age which teaches us that truth isnt absolute
that it is relative and we make our own truths?
and as much as it is true
that for many of us, the bible is true and God is real because we choose to believe it
it isnt a complete view
as even if we dont believe it still would be true
but we have no way of proving it?
but thats the problem of postmordenism?
u cant prove anything because perception has the plausability of being skewed?
i wont go into a defence about truth
but i will say this
i think it is true on one hand that anything people tell us or we find out ourselves has a high probability of being coloured?
and that its quite impossible for us to grasp truth on our own
but i believe God, if He is truth and being God he must be, can reveal truth to us
(this is kinda a defence against agnosticism as well?)
but yeah
of course then we raise the issue that because of the free will He gave us
we can choose to accept or reject the truth He presents to us
but thats a seperate issue?
and so in all things and towards all sources of "wisdom" and "knowledge coupled with good intent"
we have to practice the art of being critical
asking God to come guide us into truth
thats my beef at this time
because with all the shit thats going on around me
and so many well meaning and good intentioned people(i find these sort of ppl the most irritating by the way)
id say this much at risk of insulting the whole lot?
but i dont believe a single one of them at face value
i mean im sure that some of them may be right
and maybe in some way, they all may be right, but theres some miscommunication on both sides
but it doesnt matter
i have the truth God gives me
and thats enough
i have to trust that He is soveriegn enough over my common sense and judgement
and so i'll believe this
that i just walk right now where He asks me to walk
and stay or leave at a whims notice according to how i feel Him directing
and i owe no one explanation or justification
because its my spiritual life on the line here
church life, community life, blahhhh
its important
but if i forfeit my own walk with good
i become as good as a pharisee
which i must admit is quite attractive
Oh God, may truth be inscribed on my heart
may it permeate my being and bring the freedom You promised
to live in truth, to be found in You
Our iniquities are many,
we are wanton like those without restraint
save me from my sin, into Your presence
let mercy flow like a river
to speak Your truth
to be Your light
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