Tuesday, February 10, 2009

ive been using my utmost for his highest for my quiet time
read something recently that i think is very poignant
so im blogging about it
it wasnt the main theme for the day
but it was mentioned how the gospel shd be the central focus of our christianity, not personal holiness
that personal holiness is just a by-product
and that focusing on it primarily doesnt help us to grow,

i think ive got to rediscover what my christianity means to me?
not that ive been doing alot of it
not that ive been consumed and obsessed with holiness
but i think for me the gospel was nowhere the centre of my christian life

im ashamed of the gospel
at least i cringe when ppl lack subtility in sharing their faith
or when they proclaim it in public

to me i was satisfied when ppl just saw how i wasnt doing the same things as them,
that i was "holy" and set apart
that i didnt do certain things because i thought them below me

but that isnt christianity
at least not the main point of it
i think i can still count with one hand the number of occasions i shared the gospel on a personal level?
while some at least try to invite ppl for evangelistic events
i dont really see the point?

i think ive got to learn now what it means to be a christian
to testify of salvation, my salvation

i think if the good news really belongs to us
we'll want it to share it with everyone
excitement and joy will come naturally
oh wells

saw this really cool video on youtube
called cardboard testimonies

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