Friday, October 28, 2005

what happened to grace

acceptance, fellowship, comradeship, fruits of a promised land?
if so, why has it become so lacking, so lacking in the place where it abounds

to the people who "matter" they recieve alot of attention.....
but then again, wouldnt they recieve the same elsewhere?
for all we've preached on love....
how can we love those out there, when we cant even love our own....
or wait
do we even consider them our own?

really amazing
what have we done to care for the broken and the depressed in our midst
why do we gossip
why do we joke
sure its entertaining but for how long
and at what price
when we laugh it hurts
either that or it hurts others

have we gone past the healthy phase to a place i fear that we've trod on
i'm tired
not from lack of sleep at least
or not entirely
its the gnawing weariness, the inexplicable distaught i experience
are we that far off?
or are we missing the mark completely

do we really believe we can reach them out there
when our own are still crying
are still broken
are still lost

have gone from ministry to social group?
have we made a fool of grace?

1 comment:

Rex said...

we have.