just a personal opinion,
but starbucks is so much better than coffee bean
well at least if you are a coffee purist,
maybe im just biased, but coffee bean does not have anything particularly strong on its menu,
and the cups are smaller
coffee bean just sells alot of sweet nothings which just appeal to the sweet tooth, not to the caffine deprived soul
its interesting really,
how easily we can get uprooted,
and find things around us so different, so suffocating
i guess change is one of the great constants in life,
everything changes
at least everything other than God,
but change hurts
especially when its something we hold close
like beliefs or friends
its like in the words of the only chinese song i ever really liked,
time passes, and the friends we once had are now no longer close,
and the only thing we have left are memories....
so easily, we get uprooted, and we find that we dont fit in like we used to
the people, the buildings, the air, its all changed,
i guess we've changed much too
maybe its like Aslan says to Lucy in prince caspian,
its not that I've grown, but You've grown, and so i seem bigger to you
doesnt make much sense
but i guess change doesnt make much sense either
in words that worry me,
a friend expressed her anxiety that a bunch of us who grew quite close recently are probably not close enough to remain close in the next few years,
a group of friends who i have become especially fond of
i have never been really great at making friends
thru 4 yrs of sec sch education, i only made a handful of really good friends
and even than, its hard to even keep in contact with them
and some people who i thought i would never lose touch with
are phantoms to me now,
ghost from the past who by some cosmic coincidence bump into me from time to time.
i guess its kind of my fault too
nvr really appreciated the friends i had
took many of them for granted, and lived in a world of melochany where i mourned what i did not have
so much so that i lost much of what i did have
so before its too late
if you were or still are a good friend to me, whether i realised it or not,
thank you
for being there
and im sorry if it seems that we're no longer as close as we used to be
i cant say i wish we still were close, but well, there are good memories
but really
i wish i wasnt such a waste
waste of potential
waste of effort
what can we claim to have gained?
nothing really
nothing at all
really drives home the fact that we come with nothing and take back nothing
now if only the universal constant God was more constant in our lives
maybe we'd lose less
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