Sunday, May 25, 2008

why i need grace

this is kinda overdue
actually its something thats been at teh back of my mind for about a week now

its something i realised from clarence stephens sharing during cell(the older ppl one)

his sharing was bsed on king asa
if you look him up in the old testament
you'd realise that he is the one of the few kings whom they talk about as being fully committed to God

this title probably only being shared by david and solomon(i may be mistaken)

when teh bible calls a person fully committed to God, it isnt a case of hyperbole or being metaphorical
this dude was one of the few who turned back to God, tore down the idols in his land, disposed of his idol worshipping mother
and redirected the peoples focus to God.
in the face of unsurmountable odds, he trusted in God,
and a bunch of ten thousand odd israelites won against a million enemy soldiers without raising their arms(im meaning weapons here)

what a faith,
what a wholeheartedness
yet in the later part of his life, he forsake God for security in man
and when rebuked by a prophet of God
instead of repenting
he took it out on his people by oppressing them
and trusted in physicians instead the God who moved miracles through him

if such a wholehearted, Godly man, who saw God defeat the millions for him
could fall

much less me
with my many doubts, iniquities
the many idols and high places i erected in my life

what hope do i have...
i dont have the faith to conquer the multitudes to start with
what happens when the enemies rise up to take me
whats there to stop me from trusting in man?

asa fell,
solomon was drawn away from God

wisdom cant save a man from temptation
much less my doubts

so what chance do i really have
what kind of fools hope can i really hope to bear

this poor idol exalting fool

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