Monday, October 13, 2008

I'm losing myself just to find a place in your mind
In your mind
Changing myself, just to stand alone in your eyes
In your eyes
Pull me in, take me out, make me over

lifehouse rocks
well aside from stating the obvious
if you think their records are good,
you should see them perform live

and i shall dispel the myth
they are not a christian band?
and yeah
although their lead singer/songwriter is
as per their interview
they are in it for the music

so anyways, for those interested
how am i
i dont really like answering that question at this point
cause, well good besides being a generalisation, isnt fitting at all
and i'd probably give a sardonic answer like "breathing" (sorry emm)
but i guess i really should reflect abit?

well im not exactly rejoicing in my present circumstances
well euphemisms aside
im kinda enjoying going around visiting?
maybe too much
been to some churches i find quite comfortable
but no ideas yet
how am i on a personal spiritual basis?
i have no idea how to answer that
i guess that doesnt mean anything good?
i guess im not exempt from disappointment and doubt

but i guess like whats new right
like i said
this isnt just a search for a new church
i think ive lost/never had much a sense of purpose/destiny
so its kinda a roadtrip to find that

if i dao ur msgs
well tts bcos im antisocial and dun mind being mean
if you didnt know that already
maybe i shd include that into my introduction next time

hi im jeremy quek
im mean and slightly antisocial

so anyways
to be honest
i dont miss rcc
although i guess i act like i do sometimes?

i havent really been contemplating the present predicament
been filling my time with things to do
i guess avoiding the questions with answers i dun have
or dun want to admit

being busy is fun?
i guess
makes it seem strange that there was a time i did little but hurt alot
from basically just musing

but i do miss having a ministry
maybe i made it an idol
but i do miss the days
when we sat round with a guitar
and play the few songs we did master
sing our hearts out
too caught up in just the act to taint the intent
it wasnt grand
but it changed me inside

where do i go from here?

im being a big idiot
and i dun know how to proceed

i hope i dun lose myself
i hope i dun lose you

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