Thursday, October 30, 2008

need i mention that tommy E was amazing?
i no longer dare to tell people that i play guitar

so the concert was a blast
and the conversations with chaos today were amazing as well

various quotes:

chaos- i like girls who like guys with big heads and ear piercings

chaos- u should get a big head(like how?) and ear piercings too.....

as much as it seems like a match made in heaven,
some how, when talking abt getting an orange afro(dun ask me how he manages to bring such things in the conversation)
chao yuan caught the attention of this ang moh girl
who apparently sweeps him off his feet leaving him speechless
needing tim wan to help answer this girls request as to where a costume shop can be found
(wow, she apparently wants to match his dress sense)
our hero(well not really) apparently has taken to the bleached hair, lip pierced specimens


so i guess when u come to get me u'll be sporting a new blond-bleached hairdo and a lip piercing
and an indeterminable western accent

maybe u shd change ur name to amanda too or something

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