Sunday, March 20, 2005

season changing

the frost starts to thaw,
blades of grass like shards of another reality
slice through the blanket of white
breaking the dreary boredom
the sun, no longer a stranger, breaks the gloom
finally, the season starts to change

sweet chirping pierces the air
a sense of suspense and thrill,
replaces the taste of ash and sackcloth
and a heart wakes from its slumber

even in all the revelry and excitement
i sense an uncertainty and fear
maybe i dwelled in the shadows too long
grown accustomed to the darkness
whatever it may be,
the unfamiliar light stings my eyes and causes me to squint

truth, cuts through my hollow shield, showing my rotton epicenter for what it truly is
i find myself having walked around in circles,
my head following my behind
having let me spiral downwards into a rut

i have to learn to walk again

even though the sun is out
the sidewalks are frosty,
and i have already fallen once

the fall has proven unforgiving
i hesitate to go on fearing that i might fall back to the dark slumber that covered me
yet, fear drives me on.
fear that if i remain still,
winter might overtake me
and my heart may never be thawed out again

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