Friday, December 08, 2006

im bad at goodbyes
but i guess this will be my one of the few chances i get
tml at noon
well abit after noon
i guess it will mark the end of one part of my life and the beginning of another
i just hope i will use the time i find better

gets one wondering
do people who live during the change of an epoch feel it around them?
do they really grasp the significance of it
or do they feel numb like the way i do now?

well CS Lewis is either a genuis or a bigot
but i guess ive only got the bigot part down

im not good at nostalgic stuff
so i shouldnt try
just to anyone who matters to me
i may not have much to offer but still

i dunno
i hope to grow out of my fatalist stage
maybe army will help in that deparment
i just hope well
i can learn to stop running

learn to face my demons
ave atque vale
hail and farewell
looks like its over for now

dun cry for me
im no saint evita

but really
thx for being with me,
in i daresay
one of the most enjoyable epochs of my life
may ur endeavours be blessed

down these lonely roads a man must travel

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