why must i be on the outside looking in??
anyways recently i picked up a douglas coupland book, player one by sheer flippancy and i am so enjoying it
maybe its the postmodernist bent, maybe the loss of faith he writes into his characters, but whatever it is...
and one thought today:
what if our lives didnt have a story, no metaphysical narrative running through reality,
just a sequence of random events that aside from the trivial mean nothing, no moral backtrack,
no punchline, and definitely no happily ever after
what then?
we're trained to think as if at teh end of the day, we'll go somewhere, do something, achieve some meaning
but what if there isnt that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
a quote from the book im reading that i love love love:
those key moments that define us probably fill less than three minutes
and u probably can see why im loving it
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