Monday, October 11, 2004


hanging onto strands of reality
i barely hold on
truths i thought so certain,
i struggle to hold fast to

a horde of vague and obscure sentiments crash down around me
the path i tread now hazy in my sight,
barely persevering
barely holding on

being dragged along,
the waves and billows of circumstance
they wash over me,
tired of being tossed around,
i want to cut the lifeline

but i hesitate

something in me just won't let go
deep-set in my mind
a memory etched from a time i want to forget:

those nights when i cried alone
in all that pain and distress
he was there
embracing me
comforting me

am i to let go of hope, of love, of the only source of joy i ever knew
to give up the only thing i find worth living for?

i close my eyes to stem the tears,
and cling on
dont let me go

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