Sunday, December 21, 2008

i think our beef never was with the rules or myopic focus on revival
i think what i hated was that you let that goodboy revivalist personnae get set up as the societal archetype
which now that i think about it really kinda sucked
i mean wad happened to different body parts making up one body?

so much about holiness and consecration
but u let so many, too many fall through the holes
sure u preached abt reaching the lost, and loving others
but u allowed for the social labels and isolation

while Jesus dined with sinners
we became much like the pharisees in our close-knit group of "holy consecrated" people
Jesus loved the sinners
sure we did at first, when they were still new, fresh, unassimilated
but did we continue to show love when a year or two down the road
they seemed unchristian to us?

labels, suspicious eyes and feeling of being a second class christian
how many people have we lost because of these

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