Tuesday, December 16, 2008

now im in ho chi minh city
thankfully the hotel provides free wifi
and my mom brought her laptop
mmm we touched down at erm 2ish 1ish if u take reference from local time, they are one hour behind spore

so yeah
really cool place, although its taking some getting used to

traffics kinda nut,
lots of scooters and motorbikes swarming around
they're travelling slowly though(not that theres room to speed )

crossing the road is also kinda crazy,
u step right out into the midst of the swarm and it flows around u as u make ur way across

i kinda feel like joshua stepping into the jordan everytime i cross

after checking in and getting comfy in our room
my mom and I visited an art museum
some really cool oil on canvas paintings
now im not sure if we were allowed to take photographs
but oh wells it was worth the 1 dollar we paid

then we walked around a Vietnamese flea market and saw all the polo Ralph Lauren knock offs and finally ate some Vietnamese beef noodles for dinner

supper was at tutti frutty yoghurt
over here, u pay for ur desert by how much it weighs
a lot of DIY

night traffic was heavier than day traffic
it was scarier also because of the lights

so yeah all in all had fun

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