Sunday, December 30, 2007

when it comes to blogging, blagging, doodling online or whatever you call it
many people would sometimes view it as an narcissistic exercise
i mean
well i guess its the idea of writing stuff for people to read
even my blog
which obviously doesnt get much traffic(i dont expect anyone to read this post)
but yeah
the worry is always there that people will eventually read what we write
formulate opinions and judgements on us
and yeah
come to own little conclusion on us
should i write down this- will it make me look shallow/like an ivory tower/ like so depressed emo junkie/ like some prude
do we write to impress?
do we write so that people can keep up to date with us
or maybe think a little kinder of us than we deserve

after such an expository
i havent actually made any points
so i guess i shd start
i guess blogging is
being public, but yet
i guess i write because i figure if i stop writing, one day i fear id lose the ability to put my brain on paper
which i think is already happening
i blog because im a social misfit(well thats one reason)
i have no idea how to say the things i want to say face to face
hiding behind a computer screen
i guess it gives me super powers

the question is raised
what shd i blog about
the happy moments
the sad moments
the minute details of my life or the great big happenings- which are too few and far between
shd i blog about crap
or try to sound meaninful and insightive

i think im beginning to realise that the important thing is to be honest, even when blogging
many people feel my blog is depressive, well at least was depressive
well, on one hand, maybe i am/was a sad depressed emo junkie or something like that
or maybe i only blogged when i had something to whine abt
the happeir moments, which were fewer, i kept to myself
but trying not to be crude
thats my business
like ling quan once told me
since u wanted to post it
y not
its, the same i guess as speaking your mind
blog from the heart
and i guess from the mind/brain
no point worrying abt critics
cos we'll find them no matter the form of expression/except those they dont see
if people would gather their final observations of us from what we scribble on the internet
its speaks more about who they are than who we are
blog if u have something to say
blog when u have something to say
blog what you have to say
i guess, be it happy sad, deep, shallow, disturbing, encouragine, total nonsense
its a blog isnt it?
not some masterpiece or portfolio after all
blog and let the readers read
at their own peril and digression

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