Sunday, September 23, 2007

i throughly enjoyed myself, wind in my hair and all that
wish it lasted longer
but i guess that's my doing

you are
don't let anything tell you otherwise

we are who are,
no more, no less
cause even if the world doesnt admit it
we're not the one's off axis

I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

i dont know,
it never stops raining around these parts
where is my sunshine? please dont take it away

i think i may have just found the light again

Friday, September 21, 2007

just watched hairspray...
amazing how much i enjoyed it
havent watched a "happy" movie in a long time


its the first long weekend ive gotten in some time
time to rest and get refreshed

...........and there comes a time in one's life,
when one begans to consider...................

and no jiayan, my name isnt teddy......................

Sunday, September 09, 2007

back from a long long tekong trip
any trip to tekong is too long
especially when it ends up burning my weekends
seen enough casualties for a life time
this time it was a guy who lost a bit of the tip of his index finger

one thing i did learn was that all the people in my unit who carry 3 bars on their shoulders tend to be a******....
i guess there are lots more, but i guess its poignant when these specimens in question wield such power...

u'd expect that having the talent and character to warrent promotion, these people would be a level above the rest

all ive figured out is that they stink alot more than the rest

bleagh why talk about them

just when i thought i was getting used to it
it gets worst

now i just figure im getting used to the way things stink