Saturday, June 10, 2006

i shall start by defending myself
i have nothing against short people
i just enjoy teasing short people
behind the mask i wear i actually admire them alot
i mean it must take alot courage to survive in a world that appears bigger right?

been chatting with a friend about matters of the heart
and the conclusion ive come to,
actually the conclusion ive held all along
that it is better to suffer in silence than make things awkward
there is only so much ur heart can pine
but involving the whole world opens up a bigger world of hurt
a big big world
trust me i know
and ive hurt before
and suddenly im feeling small again

ive realised that aloy has been right all along
beer sucks

people have been right
ive never really been ambitious
ive never really wanted something and chased after that
i can achieve much
but i cant really be bothered
will sloth be my bane?
there isnt much i want
and that which i really want
im not even chasing
but i dun dare
i might hurt if i try
i think im gonna start
i want.......
i want You
and if you havent been reading enough, i save the capital references for the divine

and of course other things... but im not saying more

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