Monday, April 20, 2009

i think its a real cool idea to count one's blessings on ones fb/lj/blog/twitter/whatever
im technologically backwards

unfortunately im not very good at being optimistic/thankful
but yeah
i'd like to really thank God for all the kick ass kindred spirits He's put on my path
actually im uncomfortable with the term kindred spirit as it implies a certain level of sameness and empathy
i mean, i think they're great people, just that maybe my wavelength is on the flipside of the spectrum
sometimes i dun really get them....
mm i think they're the normal bunch its probably me who's strange

so anyways
thank You God for all the good ppl you've put in my way,
for all the friendliness, nagging, love and support they show me

thank You God, that even though i get really disillusioned with christianity
really disillusioned with church, and its various institutions and systems
and sometimes with both You and myself
that You are faithful
and that You place really nice christian brothers and sisters in my way to keep me sane

thank You God, that even though ive been an antisocial, moody/grumpy, irritating, unkind, unfeeling, angsty person
that You've still provided me with friends

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