Wednesday, June 03, 2009

omg omg omg
tonight was just one of the best nights ever

group of friends, chilling at timbre
good music
decent pizzas
great erdinger

and of course
jason mraz's lucky

i mean,
we did spot adrian pang there and all

but he didnt do a rerun of much ado about nothing
so no great show

but tim wan/handsome wan
got on stage on my behalf and co-sang lucky

this is officially my fav life performance, even if its only one song
so move over lifehouse

ive always thought the 21st bdae thing was overated
but tonight was just brilliant

thanks to all the ppl who turned up
in no particular order, well maybe height
yvonne eng, ian lau, emm gay
joel ong, aloy, chao yuan
nic and tim
and yeah thanks pris and soph for the lovely cake, walnut that tasted like carrot

thanks much

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